Loans Checklist
Business Information (Secretary of State Filing, EIN, Articles, Bylaws, etc) | yes |
Guarantor(s) Information (name, address, SSN, DOB, etc) | yes |
All persons or entities with a 25% or greater ownership | yes |
Business current balance sheet | yes |
Guarantor(s) current balance sheet | yes |
Last 3 years business tax returns, including K1 schedules | yes |
Last 3 years personal tax returns for each guarantor, including K1 schedules | yes |
Collateral Information (max LTV 80% of the lesser of appraised value or purchase price) | yes |
Business Information (Secretary of State Filing, EIN, Articles, Bylaws, etc)
Guarantor(s) Information (name, address, SSN, DOB, etc)
All persons or entities with a 25% or greater ownership
Business current balance sheet
Guarantor(s) current balance sheet
Last 3 years business tax returns, including K1 schedules
Last 3 years personal tax returns for each guarantor, including K1 schedules
Collateral Information (max LTV 80% of the lesser of appraised value or purchase price)
Loans Checklist
yes | Business Information (Secretary of State Filing, EIN, Articles, Bylaws, etc) |
yes | Guarantor(s) Information (name, address, SSN, DOB, etc) |
yes | All persons or entities with a 25% or greater ownership |
yes | Business current balance sheet |
yes | Guarantor(s) current balance sheet |
yes | Last 3 years business tax returns, including K1 schedules |
yes | Last 3 years personal tax returns for each guarantor, including K1 schedules |
yes | Collateral Information (max LTV 80% of the lesser of appraised value or purchase price) |
Business Information (Secretary of State Filing, EIN, Articles, Bylaws, etc)